For the uninitiated, tennis elbow is also known as lateral epicondylitis, which is a condition that causes pain because the elbow tendons are overworked due to repeated physical activities. Despite the confusing name, you don’t need to be a tennis player to get this condition. Certain motions of the hand may cause tennis elbow, and people involved in activities like cutting, carpentry and plumbing are more prone to the condition. Sport injury clinics like offer comprehensive treatments for tennis elbow, so you don’t have to live with it.
What are common symptoms?
In most cases, the pain of tennis elbow starts around the elbow and kind of spreads into the forearm, extending to the wrist. There could pain and weakness around the elbow and forearm, which may make it hard to do certain physical activities. Even small things like holding a coffee cup may cause pain. Typically, some rest and using ice packs may help with the pain, but see a doctor if the pain doesn’t subside.
What cause tennis elbow?
Strain on muscles and overuse of tissues and muscles are common causes of tennis elbow. If you are using the same muscles time and again for a certain motion(s), it could cause tear in the tendons. The name derives from the fact that many tennis players use the backhand stroke that causes tennis elbow when matched with not-so-good technique. People of any age group can get tennis elbow, but those between 30 and 50 years of age are at a higher risk. Certain jobs that require repeated motions, such as carpenters and plumbers, may develop the condition.
Other things to know
You may have to see an orthopedic expert for tennis elbow, who will do a complete test to find more the areas that hurt. Imaging tests are often required to find possible causes of the pain, and your doctor may recommend some medications initially to reduce the pain. Using an elbow strap and applying ice packs may offer some relief, while physical therapy is often recommended as a part of the treatment. Painkillers and injections can be suggested in worst cases for managing the condition, and most doctors would suggest rest for at least a few days.
If you feel you have tennis elbow, talk to your doctor. Do not wait for the strain on muscles to get worse, because that can eventually affect your daily life in very adverse ways.